Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 2: 1126 miles total...

In Mount Juliet TN, just outside of Nashville, and it is just before 10:00 p.m. (We crossed over a time zone somewhere in TN.  Why don't they mark that somehow?)

More driving today, even some by moi (about 300 miles, I think.  Still got it).  I found out that driving is different everywhere outside of Massachusetts (That left lane is not just for speeding along everywhere else.) and that barbecue restaurants are too.  We ate at Buddy's BBQ, which I assumed would be a real restaurant, and was just basically a fast food chain that served pulled pork and chicken.  On the bright side, I ate a hush-puppy, which I discovered was just fried cornmeal.  Not the best choice we could have made, but we did get a little local flavor, which is cool.

We also walked through a Piggly-Wiggly, and took a picture of the local Chester-Fried Chicken, but only because we used to have on near our home in Abington and some friends of ours worked there.

Other than the local flavor and driving, we listened to some old-school music ("Power of Love" by Huey Lewis & the News, anyone?  Plus, the true meaning of R.E.M.'s "Losing My Religion") and saw a lot of crosses on the side of the highway.  And a billboard that promoted Genesis 2:24, touting that marriage should be between a man and a woman.  It's really a different planet, but that's what we were looking for, and that's what we're getting.

Tomorrow, we plan on hitting a recommended establishment called the Loveless Cafe', and perhaps even Memphis for sight-seeing.  We have driven slightly more than a 3rd of the way to Los Angeles, and, boy, are my arms tired (Wait, that doesn't work.)  Seriously, we've seen a lot and yet have seen most of it through the car window.  But with these miles under our belt, I think we can start to relax and enjoy the country a bit.  Even so, times are good.


  1. do you have your route pre planned? you dudes should post that!

  2. Flying by the seat of our pants, buddy. We're like Indiana Jones with less cool hats. Maybe tomorrow in Nashville we can fix that.

  3. I do love a hush-puppy! Have safe travels!
